Детская стоматология
Бережно и профессионально вылечим зубки
4 важных причины, по которым родители доверяют нам
Более 25 лет ответственного лечения
Детских стоматологов в центре "Аструм”.
Чувство комфорта и безопасности
Врачи умеют найти подход к каждому ребёнку, чтобы юный пациент чувствовал себя спокойно.
УЛУЧШаЕТСЯ отношение K стоматологии
Дети получают позитивный опыт в центре "Аструм", не испытывают страха и с радостью приходят на повторный осмотр.
Комплекс стоматологических услуг
Мы проводим все виды стоматологического лечения на молочных и постоянных зубах.
Маленькие пациенты у нас на приёме
Стаж работы с 2007 г.
Врач стоматолог- терапевт, стоматолог-хирург, детский стоматолог
Стаж работы с 2010 г.
Врач стоматолог- терапевт, детский стоматолог, стоматолог-хирург
Стаж работы с 2007 г.
Врач-детский стоматолог, стоматолог-терапевт, стоматолог-хирург
Стаж работы с 2007 г.
Врач стоматолог- терапевт, стоматолог-хирург, детский стоматолог
Стаж работы с 2010 г.
Врач стоматолог- терапевт, детский стоматолог, стоматолог-хирург
Стаж работы с 2007 г.
Отзывы детей и родителей
Баенкова Марина Сергеевна внимательный и аккуратный специалист. Нашла подход к моей 4-летней дочери. Ребенок сказала, что лечиться будет теперь только здесь.
Юлия Сергеевна
’ ’
Марина Сергеевна любимый врач моего сына. Нашла подход к ребенку с первого посещения. Лечим зубки только у неё.
Елена Николаевна
’ ’
Хочу сказать большое спасибо врачу Евгении Валерьевне, которая следит за нашими зубками уже несколько лет. Настоящий профи своего дела.
Oльга Владимировна
’ ’
Аструм Центр - это то место, где действительно хотят и готовы лечить детей. Отдельное спасибо Колибэ Евгении Валерьевне.
Ирина Сергеевна
’ ’
Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку своих персональных данных
Услуги и цены
Механическая обработка 
400 руб
Медицинская обработка 
200 руб
150 руб
300 руб
Ампутация коронковой пульпы
250 руб
200 руб
Временная пломба 
400 руб
Удаление временной пломбы
250 руб
Кариес - индикатор
250 руб
600 руб
Герметизация фиссур (1 единица)
1 000 руб
Серебрение Saforid
1 100 руб
Fuji IX
1 500 руб
Эндодонтия молочных зубов 1 канал (включены: эндоигла, гипохлоран, апекс-локатор)
1 100 руб
Эндодонтия молочных зубов 2 канала (включены: эндоигла, гипохлоран, апекс-локатор)
1 950 руб
Эндодонтия молочных зубов 3-4 канала (включены: эндоигла, гипохлоран, апекс-локатор)
3 100 руб
Временные коронки металлические (с фиксацией) 1 единица
4 200 руб
Светоотверждаемая пломба, без каналов
2 800 руб
Светоотверждаемая пломба, жидкотекучий композит
2 000 руб
Сингл Бонд
600 руб
80 руб
Полировка пастой 1 зуб
250 руб
Полировка диском 1 зуб
300 руб
Полировка иншансом 1 зуб 
450 руб
300 руб
Триоксидент (1 канал)
1 500 руб
600 руб
Пластика уздечки губ и языка лазером (без стоимости анестезии)*
3 000 руб
Пластика уздечки губ и языка без применения лазера (без стоимости анестезии)*
2 500 руб
Air-Flow (с полировкой зубов)1 челюсть      
4 500 руб
Air-Flow (с полировкой зубов)2 челюсти    
6 500 руб
Ребенок очень-очень сильно беспокоится?
Некоторые дети могут волноваться особенно сильно по разным причинам:

-негативный опыт лечения,
-сложное и длительное лечение,
-особенности развития.
В таких случаях мы рекомендуем детскую седацию.
Преимущества седитативного метода в “Аструм”
Безопасно для ребенка
Не оказывает влияние на внутренние органы и быстро выводится из организма уже через 20 минут.
Мягко снимает напряжение
Уходят страх и волнение, при этом ребенок находится в сознании.
Более 1300 детей
Преодолели страх стоматологии с помощью седации в клинике "Аструм”.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Design creates culture. Culture shapes values. Values determine the future.
Наш центр
Нажимая на кнопку, вы даете согласие на обработку своих персональных данных
Полезная информация
Вниманию родителей несовершеннолетних детей!
При посещении центра Аструм несовершеннолетним ребенком в сопровождении взрослых, не являющимися законными представителями требуется доверенность на основании: статья 20. Федерального закон от 21.11.2011 N 323-ФЗ (ред. от 28.12.2022) «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации» (с изм. и доп., вступ. в силу с 11.01.2023), требуется доверенность (скачать образец доверенности), от законных представителей ребенка ( родители либо опекуны).

Данную доверенность можно направлять на официальную электронную почту ООО «ЦЛС и И Дантист» (dantist-nf@mail.ru).

Центр оставляет за собой право отказать в приеме несовершеннолетнего без наличия данной доверенности.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Органы исполнительной власти субъекта Российской Федерации в сфере охраны здоровья
Управление Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека по Московской области
141014, Московская обл., г. Мытищи, ул. Семашко, д. 2 +7 (495) 586-10-78, +7 (495) 586-12-87
Территориальный орган Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере здравоохранения по г. Москве и Московской области
109316, г. Москва, Волгоградский проспект, д. 27
+7 (916) 256-76-76
Администрация Наро-Фоминского городского округа
143300, Московская обл., г. Наро-Фоминск, ул. Маршала Жукова, д. 2 +7 (496) 343 83-03, +7 (496) 343 04-02
Министерство здравоохранения Московской области
143407, Московская область, г. Красногорск, бульвар Строителей, д.1 +7 498 602-03-03
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Органы исполнительной власти субъекта Российской Федерации в сфере охраны здоровья
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Управление Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере защиты прав потребителей и благополучия человека по Московской области
141014, Московская обл., г. Мытищи, ул. Семашко, д. 2 +7 (495) 586-10-78, +7 (495) 586-12-87
Территориальный орган Федеральной службы по надзору в сфере здравоохранения по г. Москве и Московской области
109316, г. Москва, Волгоградский проспект, д. 27 +7 (916) 256-76-76
Администрация Наро-Фоминского городского округа
143300, Московская обл., г. Наро-Фоминск, ул. Маршала Жукова, д. 2 +7 (496) 343 83-03, +7 (496) 343 04-02
Министерство здравоохранения Московской области
143407, Московская область, г. Красногорск, бульвар Строителей, д.1
mz.mosreg.ru +7 498 602-03-03
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Creativity is to discover a question that has never been asked. If one brings up an idiosyncratic question, the answer he gives will necessarily be unique as well.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.
Наш адрес
Наро-Фоминск, ул. Ленина, 23А
Ежедневно: с 08:00 до 20:00
+7 (496) 343-03-50